jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020


 I really don't know what will happen in the summer. Everything is so unlikely. I don't know if one day I could go to the south of Chile or a special place to vacation. I think it depends on the framework of the pandemic since I consider that it would be very irresponsible to travel if there is an increase in cases of Covid-19. Also, if the oppotunity existed, the first thing I would do would be to go see my grandparents in the south. I must admit that I would be afraid of being infected and being asymptomatic and going to see my grandparents. It's going to be about a year since I have not seen them and as they imagine I miss them too much.

Another option that we are thinking about with my family is to go to the beach to stay for a few days. More than anything to get out of the routine of Santiago. As we could also visit a campsite where it's enabled to camp and obviously there is somewhere to cool off, a river, lake, etc. It should be noted that all these "crazy" plans are subject to change due to the pandemic and if I ever go, I would go with my family plus my girlfriend. 

Another thing I have in mind if none of the plans turn out would be to work all summer to try to buy a car. My first car. I'm thinking of working with my uncle at a bakery or just working for Uber to earn some money.  


 I really don't know what will happen in the summer. Everything is so unlikely. I don't know if one day I could go to the south of C...