miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020


  In my future job I hope to be related in the rea of quality and care of food. Analyzing the components that the product has so as not to casuse any harm to the consumer. Ensuring that all food sanitary standards are met and informing when a food should not be put up for sale due to an irregular situation. This particular job I can imagine sharing with several people from different careers with a common goal. Going to different areas to see the stages of the food and thus analyze the components, checking if it is suitable to be launched on the marked or not. Personally, I would like to constantly travel to the industries to see if they comply with sanitary standards, as well as to learn new methods to streamline the objectives of the company. As long as the standards are met. 

Regarding salary, I would lov for this job to be more valued, since as food engineers we must be trainend to handle different scenarios within the company. The good thing about this career is that there is a lot of availability for employment. Helping me decide different options. 

1 comentario:

  1. Food analysis sounds really interesting, I don't really know much about the posibilities of that area.



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