sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020


 My best vacations were at the beginning of 2018, February to be exact. On that occasion I traveled with my girlfriend and we embarked on what would be our first adventure together. We went to visit the north of Chile, specifically San Pedro de Atacama. We were there for about a week. We visited beautiful places such as "Las termas de Puritama", "Geiser del Tatio", astronomical observatories, etc. We also met many people who were tourist, who after a few days became our friends. We even went to all places together, sharing experiences, talking, etc. We went to restaurants, bar, etc. 

The days we were in San Pedro de Atacama we went for a walk every night to learn a little more about the town's nightlife. In one of our routine outings we found a kind of carnival, where almost the majority of the people who were in that carnival were disguised dancing to the beat of the music.

I must say that those vacations were incredible, i met many tourists, the gastrobomy of the place, and for the north it is all cheaper compared to the south of Chile. We went with very little money, but there was never a lack of laughter and good times. 

4 comentarios:

  1. oww I understand you so much, my first adventure with my boyfriend was incredible in the south of Chile and you're right the south is more expensive haha

  2. It´s nice that you went with your GF to the north, it must have been a nice experience. I wan´t to travel with my GF someday when the pandemic ends.

  3. Personally, the north of Chile does not attract much attention, either because of the heat or the dust, but I also think it could be interesting, so maybe one day I will travel there.

  4. The north of Chile is so beautiful!! Your trip to San Pedro de Atacama sounds really cool, I hope to go there someday



 I really don't know what will happen in the summer. Everything is so unlikely. I don't know if one day I could go to the south of C...