sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020


 It's very difficult for me to choose a favorite movie since I love watching movies. I consider myself a person who loves this art. In general, I like all genres except romantics movies jajaja. When I'm bored, I can spend all day watching movie without resting, one after another jajaja. But without a doubt my favorite movie is Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. In short, this film is about a group of astronauts who travel in space in search of other habitable worlds for humans. I like this movies for the intellectual content it exposes to the audience , I mean the special effects based on physical theories, phenomena, etc.

The last movie I saw recently was Clint Eastwood's Sniper. And I recommend it 100%. This film is based on the tragic story of a military man who goes to the Iraq war and becomes known for the aim of his sniper rifle. Once he decides to give up the war, he begins to help war veterans, occasionally taking them out hunting or to a shooting club. It's in this circumstance where he is assassinated by a veteran. And although I know there is a long time to go, I am waiting to see a Chilean movie that became known for being sponsored by the same people, I am talking about Uber Driver.   

2 comentarios:

  1. Interstellar is a great movie, I remember that when I watched it , it had many scientific content that at the time I didn´t understand haha

  2. Interstellar is quite mind blowing, but once you understand it, it's just a wonderful film.



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