jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020


 I really don't know what will happen in the summer. Everything is so unlikely. I don't know if one day I could go to the south of Chile or a special place to vacation. I think it depends on the framework of the pandemic since I consider that it would be very irresponsible to travel if there is an increase in cases of Covid-19. Also, if the oppotunity existed, the first thing I would do would be to go see my grandparents in the south. I must admit that I would be afraid of being infected and being asymptomatic and going to see my grandparents. It's going to be about a year since I have not seen them and as they imagine I miss them too much.

Another option that we are thinking about with my family is to go to the beach to stay for a few days. More than anything to get out of the routine of Santiago. As we could also visit a campsite where it's enabled to camp and obviously there is somewhere to cool off, a river, lake, etc. It should be noted that all these "crazy" plans are subject to change due to the pandemic and if I ever go, I would go with my family plus my girlfriend. 

Another thing I have in mind if none of the plans turn out would be to work all summer to try to buy a car. My first car. I'm thinking of working with my uncle at a bakery or just working for Uber to earn some money.  

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2020


 Although I have not seen many series in my life jajaja. I must asmit taht two series have marked me, one of them is "Sex Education" and the other is "13 reason why". At the time, the first time I saw the trailer for these series, I was amazed. I liked them from the first moment I saw them. Manninly the themes that these two series dealt with.

Personally, I was stunned by the harshness of the series. But especially with "13 reason why". this series marked me a lot, to such an extent that it gave me deep sorrow in the crudest episodes. I remember that with that series I had to watch it slowly because it really caused me a feeling of sadness. I think I choose this series for the unique content, for the adaptations, the content, etc. In addition, something that I emphasize about this series is that from episode 1, they opened a page in case of requiring help if you ever went through or are going through a situation like this and think about attempting against your life. 

As I said in the beginning, I don't watch many series, so I can't say which genre I like best. I think you could say that I like everyday series, without special effects or science fiction. However, I can say that I have always wanted to see Breaking Bad but have never been able to. I definitely have to make the time to watch the episodes of this popular series. 

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2020


  In my future job I hope to be related in the rea of quality and care of food. Analyzing the components that the product has so as not to casuse any harm to the consumer. Ensuring that all food sanitary standards are met and informing when a food should not be put up for sale due to an irregular situation. This particular job I can imagine sharing with several people from different careers with a common goal. Going to different areas to see the stages of the food and thus analyze the components, checking if it is suitable to be launched on the marked or not. Personally, I would like to constantly travel to the industries to see if they comply with sanitary standards, as well as to learn new methods to streamline the objectives of the company. As long as the standards are met. 

Regarding salary, I would lov for this job to be more valued, since as food engineers we must be trainend to handle different scenarios within the company. The good thing about this career is that there is a lot of availability for employment. Helping me decide different options. 

sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2020


 It's very difficult for me to choose a favorite movie since I love watching movies. I consider myself a person who loves this art. In general, I like all genres except romantics movies jajaja. When I'm bored, I can spend all day watching movie without resting, one after another jajaja. But without a doubt my favorite movie is Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. In short, this film is about a group of astronauts who travel in space in search of other habitable worlds for humans. I like this movies for the intellectual content it exposes to the audience , I mean the special effects based on physical theories, phenomena, etc.

The last movie I saw recently was Clint Eastwood's Sniper. And I recommend it 100%. This film is based on the tragic story of a military man who goes to the Iraq war and becomes known for the aim of his sniper rifle. Once he decides to give up the war, he begins to help war veterans, occasionally taking them out hunting or to a shooting club. It's in this circumstance where he is assassinated by a veteran. And although I know there is a long time to go, I am waiting to see a Chilean movie that became known for being sponsored by the same people, I am talking about Uber Driver.   


 My best vacations were at the beginning of 2018, February to be exact. On that occasion I traveled with my girlfriend and we embarked on what would be our first adventure together. We went to visit the north of Chile, specifically San Pedro de Atacama. We were there for about a week. We visited beautiful places such as "Las termas de Puritama", "Geiser del Tatio", astronomical observatories, etc. We also met many people who were tourist, who after a few days became our friends. We even went to all places together, sharing experiences, talking, etc. We went to restaurants, bar, etc. 

The days we were in San Pedro de Atacama we went for a walk every night to learn a little more about the town's nightlife. In one of our routine outings we found a kind of carnival, where almost the majority of the people who were in that carnival were disguised dancing to the beat of the music.

I must say that those vacations were incredible, i met many tourists, the gastrobomy of the place, and for the north it is all cheaper compared to the south of Chile. We went with very little money, but there was never a lack of laughter and good times. 

martes, 20 de octubre de 2020


 Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well. I plan to visit many places when I finish my university degree. I would like to start getting to know Latin American countries and then go to meet Europe. The first Latin America country to visit would be Brazil. I want to know its beaches, tourist sites, its gastronomy, etc. Especially, knowing a little more about the language, since it has always caught my attention. Another thing I would do would be to visit its beaches. I have heard that they are unmissable, especially the ones in Buzios. They told me that its waters are warm, crystalline with white sand. In addition, they have a great variety of tropical fruits and a wide gastronomy. Also, at night there is always some artistic activity, either dancing samba or capoeira. In addition to the infinite number of bars available in the area. 

I would also like to know the Rio de Janeiro Carnival, The Selaron Stairs, and obviously visit one of the eighth wonders of the world; Christ Redeemer. Personally, I would just like to be of visit, since I don't like the tropical climate very much.    


 I really don't know what will happen in the summer. Everything is so unlikely. I don't know if one day I could go to the south of C...